The Lakeland Stars Pathfinder Club is accepting membership applications now. You may print out the registration forms yourself or pick them up at church. Please share copies with anyone you know who is interested in joining the club.
Club dues this year are $50 per member. Families with more than one child in the club may pay $40 per child. No applications will be accepted without dues. Please let us know as soon as possible if you need financial assistance. Each Pathfinder will have the opportunity to attend a virtual camporee this year. The camporee fee is $25.
Meetings will be held the first three Sabbaths of each month from 4 to 6 PM. Pathfinders must attend at least two meetings per month, either in person or on Zoom. Our first meeting will be September 19. There will be a uniform and workbook inspection.
You can get your forms notarized at the church by Kathy Miller or Michelle Crews. If you are not able to deliver the registration forms and club dues in person, you may get the forms notarized on your own and make a payment to Pathfinders on AdventistGiving. Return copies of the forms and your receipt to Don Wilson, Darren Oh, or Donna Harris or send them to [email protected].