Our meeting on October 22 was a nature excursion. The Pathfinders recorded observations of plant and animal life. Most of the animals moved too fast to be photographed, so our pictures are mostly plants.
Pathfinders in front of the observation tower.
Recording an observation of greenbriar. Fresh shoots of greenbriar are a tender and tasty.
Water oak.
Phasey bean, an invasive plant that spreads in disturbed soils.
Maritime bluestem grass.
Torpedo grass, an invasive grass that escaped cultivation in Florida and now chokes waterways.
American pokeweed.
Slender goldentop.
Loblolly pine. Distinguished from longleaf pine by slightly shorter leaves, slightly less reddish bark, and cones that grow in pairs.
Souther sword fern. We were looking for the invasive tuberous sword fern, but did not find any ferns with tubers on their roots.
Swamp laurel oak.
Muscadine grape vine.
John Charles. Funny name for a plant.
Giant leopard moth larva.
Bryce bouncing on a huge oak limb at the parking area.